Roomana Patel
My educational internship with the Institute of Neuro Innovation Foundation was an incredibly insightful and invaluable experience.
I was able to shadow Dr. Vokshoor during clinical rotations and neurosurgical operations to formulate an understanding of pre- and post-operative treatment modalities, and observe such complex surgeries as spinal microdiscectomies, lumbar laminectomies, and spinal fusions. Coming from a non-medical background, I really appreciated the willingness with which Dr. Vokshoor and the OR staff explained each surgical procedure, and answered the multitude of questions I formulated throughout the internship period. Beyond these notable opportunities, I found INI’s compassionate, humanized, personalized and innovative approach to each medical case most compelling. Despite back-to-back patient visits and surgeries, Dr. Vokshoor and his staff never hesitated to provide the utmost care and consideration for every afflicted patient. This internship has not only been instrumental in the development of my career goals, but also in fostering the greater idea that effective patient care involves much more than simply diagnosing and treating patients; it requires humility, open-mindedness, and an understanding of patients as human beings deserving of empathy and respect.