Microglia and Neurotoxicity
/“Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking”- Albert Einstein [6]. Einstein perfectly sums up the importance of the brain for cognitive functioning throughout our daily lives. Effective cognition results from an efficient functioning of the various molecular pathways in our brain. Let us focus on one molecular aspect of the brain- Microglia. Microglia are types of glial cells, which act as macrophages and are present throughout the Central Nervous System (CNS). These non-neuronal cells are responsible for the protection and support of neural activities. They are widely distributed throughout the brain and spinal cord and make up about 5-20% of glial cells within the CNS [1]. The two noteworthy features of the microglia are CNS maintenance and immune defense. An appropriate balance of microglial concentration is required to promote homeostasis of the CNS [1].
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