The following experience will be 20 minutes. Please follow the below instructions to begin. Utilize the headphones and eye mask located at your side to fully immerse yourself in this moment.

If using the Zero Gravity Meditation Chair, please follow the below Instructions to Prepare the Chair:

  1. Find a comfortable seated position - feel free to take off your shoes or use a pillow or blanket

  2. Ready the Eye-mask on your head, but not yet covering your eyes

    Ready the Headphones over your ears

  3. Select your Journey! The control panel is located to your left

    • Blue will be a 5 minute Rejuvenation Session

    • Green will be a 15 minute Rejuvenation Session

    • Red will be a 20 minute Relaxation Session

    • Orange will be 30 minute Relaxation Session

  4. When you are ready to begin, you will press the Play Button (at far right of the control panel). Each press of the button will change the color of the light that corresponds to a different meditative journey


Select your Auditory Experience:

Guided Meditation

Soothing Ambient Nature

Calming Ambient Music