Institute of Neuro Innovation

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Dominique Celestino

I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to work alongside Dr. Vokshoor and the whole Institute of Neuro Innovation team. This experience has provided me with tools to succeed in the medical field for years to come. In the short time of knowing Dr. Vokshoor, he made the effort to encourage and motivate me throughout the whole process. Every single individual that came into contact with Dr. Vokshoor praised him for the amazing work he has done and continues to do. The idea of Neurovella Brain Spa inspired hope within me for the future of neurotherapy using non-invasive means to elevate negative stressors in patients. The moment I will remember for the rest of my life is being able to observe my first neurosurgery with Dr. Vokshoor. It's as if I was living a day in my future career and confirming my love for the field of neurosurgery. When the journey of becoming a neurosurgeon becomes hard, I will remind myself of this opportunity to keep pushing forward because the end result is worth it. Once again, a very big thank you to Dr. Vokshoor and the whole Institute of Neuro Innovation team!