Institute of Neuro Innovation

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Alina Naqvi

I shadowed Dr. Vokshoor in the clinic and operating room, watching surgeries like disc microdecompressions, spinal fusions, and craniotomies during an internship program. I joined Dr. Vokshoor during his pre- and postoperative appointments as well as consults. With this experience, I furthered my understanding of medicine—a connection with the patient.

I recall one day walking into one of the exam rooms to see parents waiting nervously and an even more anxious girl sitting on the doctor's exam table. As we approached them, Dr. Vokshoor put his hands on the girl's shoulder and delivered the good news that she did not have a serious neurological condition. Tears of joy filled her eyes as her mom reached her arms around her in relief. I admired the compassion Dr. Vokshoor exemplified as he delivered this news and his ability to ease the worries of the young girl and her family. This furthered my experience in direct patient care, illustrating how essential it is to provide the best service possible.